Tracks in So. Cal.


Where is the closest 1/4 mile track to San Diego, now that Carlsbad is shut down?

Is Famoso the closest? :3g:

I had only been to Carlsbad twice before they shut it down, now I don't know where to go for the 1/4 mile.
I think Cal Speedway would be much closer for you than Famoso. Go to the Cal Speedway website and take a look at how far it is from you. When did they officially close Carlsbad (when the weeds got to tall)?
REDLINED'93 said:
I think Cal Speedway would be much closer for you than Famoso. Go to the Cal Speedway website and take a look at how far it is from you. When did they officially close Carlsbad (when the weeds got to tall)?

Here's a link for info on whats up with California Speedway
its down till Jan 22 when the next season starts.
there doing track improvements and a new tower