list of truck owners in the carolinas add yourself


Chillin de Most
prariedog 01 white charlotte

when we figure where everybody is at we should organize a gtg! it looks like the charlotte crew has dissappeared
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99 and 04 L
Kenly NC

I've been to the towns of who has responded so far except I was probably working.
Red 99 lightning
Turefire 01 lightning
North of Hickory NC....1hr 15min.WEST OF Charlotte NC
In Iraq at the moment
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I'm count'n at least 8 or 9 L's within an hour of Charlotte, NC, maybe more.

I can't believe we can't get together.

Let's plan a date.

Pro Dyno/Carolina are having a customer appreciation day on April 3rd. Dyno runs, car show, trophies, free food. They are located in Fort Mill, SC.

Who wants to meet up and cruise in together?

I live in Mooresville, just north of Charlotte on 77.

email me