Jump Seat troubles???



I have some coins captured underneath the cover for my drink holder. Please let me know if there is any way to gain access to this area to remove the coins. Thanks.
It probably isn't worth the money! LOL!

Sorry, I couldn't resist.
I'd offer some insight if I could, but my poor truck doesn't have that feature :eek:(

V-President NLOC
#513 in 94
NLOC #351
I had the same thing happen to me as well as the accordian cover broke in half it's now in the inside of the cover. I have not attempted to tear it apart. Looked in the service manual for exploded view not there. Maybe the dealer has a exploded view with there service parts list. Sorry I could not be more help.

I just purchased a new lid for my seat ($10.00) an the ford mech told me that the assembly pops apart but I didn't chance it!
There's not enough change to purchase a new back! Lots of luck if you try!

I tryed getting my knob off the windshield wiper switch with no luck, it broke.
i have the same problem. no clue how to redeem it though. i'm really not to terribly worried about it but if you get some insight on how to i'd be interested in it.
Jason N.
95 Red #225