Pictures recovered!! Yeahhh!

Alright guys, I just got my images recovered from the lab's computer last night. I now have all of my pictures on my computer and they're safe and sound. Can you hear my relief?! I was starting to lose it there for a while.

Anyway, this weekend I'm going to go thru all of those images and sort them out by window number. So if you want to see some samples shoot me an email with your window number on it. I'm selling high resolution CD's for half off ($20 instead of $40) because of this untimely delay. Your CD's will include ALL the images I have of your truck. Not just one image per order. Unless I only got one picture, then I guess you're just getting one picture. But you get the idea. I'm giving you all I have of your trucks! I do accept Paypal and plastic. If you're paying with plastic PLEASE CALL ME (913.888.9666) because I am paranoid about letting that kind of information go out across the internet. Have a good one, guys. Now if you'll excuse me, I have about 350 of your pictures I have to edit!