

Is it to early to start planning a convoy?
Maybe meet like we do for Lfest?

I'm coming from Tn on I-65,or maybe I-24 to 57
if i read the map right the 80-90 toll road takes me all the way from my town to joliet. its a straight shot for me but i wont be able to make it to the show until saturday.

Alright guys its gettin closer. For the ones coming through TN I figured we clould meet maybe around LP field (Titans Stadium) that way if we choose 65 route or 24 route we are right there at the splits. How does that sound? BTW the differance between 65/24 per google is 7 min to hotel empress. 65 takes you through Indy and Chicago, 24 loops the other way through ILL straight to Joliet. I'm kida partial to 24,but either is fine with me.

8hrs from Nashville to Joliet

I know going to Lfest I have left early to dodge Nashville traffic but its pretty clear until about 7am
I know I was gonna leave Nashville around 5 or 6 am to get to joliet around mid afternoon. Greg (tinysred94) is leaving nashville around 2:30 pm putting him there around 10-11ish.